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Getting started; Identifying the outcomes and indicators
Big Society Capital Outcomes Matrix
To help identify outcomes and possible indicators (as well as ways to measure that the outcome has been achieved).
National TOMs
Mainly economic outcomes, and is also useful if you’re tendering and need to identify areas of social value that you deliver.
Sustainable Development Goals
Global goals that you could contribute to.
This is the ultimate guide to definitions for impact and social value commissioning and procurement. View or download the guide here.
Financial proxies for outcomes
NHS Reference Costs
From this webpage select the most recent year’s publication to access the National Schedule of NHS costs (which is an excel spreadsheet containing values for every services the NHS provides).
PSSRU Unit costs of Health & Social Care
From this webpage select the 'Unit Costs Manual' for the most recent years data and simply download.
Global Value Exchange
Database to search for financial values.
Tools to help with data collection or data presentation
Create online surveys and forms
Free Online Surveys
Online surveys quizzes & forms
Journey Cloud
Online diary to capture individual’s thoughts through word, images etc.
Useful for creating theory of change diagrams and gathering feedback, as well as for creating online graffiti walls.
For collecting impact data/feedback.
to create short videos (copy and paste text and it will create a video for you).
Templates for creating diagrams, infographics, reports, brochures and banners etc.
Thing Link
For creating interactive visuals and maps.
Inspiring Impact
Lots of resources and information around impact measurement.
Theory of Change Software
This article provides details on various software you can use to create your theory of change.
This calculator computes the minimum number of necessary samples to meet the desired statistical constraints.
It’s our specialist knowledge of various sectors that sets us apart from others. We’ve developed specific services to meet your needs around impact and with our extensive experience in working with organisations just like yours.
It means we totally get what problems you’re facing, we understand how things need to be done, we know what works and we can hit the ground running.
Make An Impact CIC
c/o Cobalt Square
83 Hagley Road
Birmingham, B16 8QG
West Midlands
T: 020 8798 0515
M: 07530 428 738
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