Our Expertise

Our vision is to create a world where all businesses are social enterprises that make a positive impact on people and the planet. 

"We’ve helped over 650 organisations from all kinds of sectors and all sizes to achieve their goals around impact measurement, reporting and communication"

People in a group session

Our sector expertise is:

  • Health and social care organisations
  • Employment, skills and training organisations
  • CDFIs (Community Development Finance Institutions)
  • Housing Associations

It’s our specialist knowledge of these sectors that sets us apart from others. We’ve developed specific services to meet your needs around impact with our extensive experience in working with organisations just like yours.

It means we totally get what problems you’re facing, we understand how things need to be done, we know what works and we can hit the ground running.

Case Studies & Testimonials

Take a look at our libraries!

Our featured case studies and testimonials are available from our central libraries and are broken down into relevant categories.


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