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"Our core purpose is to make impact matter. For everyone. Everywhere. Every time"
"For us it’s not about the awards, or how many publications we’re featured in, it’s about the legacy
we leave and how many social enterprises we’ve helped to grow and be more impactful.
"But we realise for a lot of people and organisation it matters.
"you want to know that the person you’re going to be working with is an expert in their field and has credibility. Or maybe you’re just curious about what we get up to and what we talk about!
So here’s details of where our founder, Heidi Fisher, has been featured and the awards she has won and been nominated for"
Social Enterprise Mark Blog
A blog on how social enterprise is helping to improve Gender Equality. Click here
Social Enterprise Mark Blog
Five essential factors for financial success with your social enterprise. Click here
CIC Regulator Blog
Details about Make An Impact CIC and how we deliver our impact. Click here
Here are just a sample of some of the other blogs and podcasts that Make An Impact CIC have been featured in over several years, and capture the essence of what our work, vision and mission are all about.
We may update this list from time to time
Co-op News: Two articles about the SROI and social impact reporting work we did with Central England Co-Op.
Heidi has also featured in:
Heidi has been a guest on the following podcasts editions:
Make An Impact CIC
c/o Cobalt Square
83 Hagley Road
Birmingham, B16 8QG
West Midlands
T: 020 8798 0515
M: 07530 428 738
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